dinsdag 4 januari 2011

Soldekes gedaan !

Oh oh oh wat ben ik blij !
Kijk eens wat een mooie spulletjes ik heb gekocht bij Elke !
Ik ga nog snel even mijn blogtour doen en dan lekker knutselen !

Hi to all my new followers !
Look at all the sweet stuff I have bought !
I'm going to check all of your blogs and then I'm going to make some cards !

See you tomorrow with a new card !

Tot morgen met een nieuw kaartje !


13 opmerkingen:

chantal zei

Wauw wat mooie spulletjes. Ik ben er vanmiddag ook geweest en heb ook wat spulletjes gekocht
liefs Chantal

Anoniem zei

That is some wonderful goodies...Can't wait to see what you create.

Jaimie zei

Hallo Margo,

Jij hebt wel leuke stempels bij met je koopje nu :-)

Groetjes, Jaimie

martina's kaartjes zei

super ! dat worden mooie kaarten denk ik !
liefs, martina

Unknown zei

Wow wat een mooie spulletjes Margo!! Kan me voorstellen dat je zin hebt om te gaan knutselen. Groetjes, Frea

elke verschooten zei

veel plezier er mee!!!



Karen McAlpine zei

Hi! I am visiting from the Feline Playful give a comment - receive a comment event. I am now a follower! I wish you a Happy New Year filled with lots of crafting time.

Mandy zei

Just popping over from Feline Playful...Love all of your new goodies,look forward to seeing what you make with them...see you again soon...
Mandy xx

Shelly Schmidt zei

Looks like you got quite alot of new craft 'stuff' to create with! It's fun to find new blogging friends! I am here from Feline Playful and look forward to your 2011 projects.

Linda McClain zei

Who knew I might pick up a different language with all this hopping at FP?! What a fun blog, and, ooo, have fun with all your new goodies.

alethea zei

Hi Margo! I am here from feline Playful! have been browsing around your blog and love your cards and other crafty projects!! I look forward to seeing more in 2011!! Happy Crafting!!

Erum Tasneem zei

That is some great stuff! Happy crafting!
ps: came here vis feline

Jenni zei

Gorgeous card, the image is just right for the weather here today! Have just popped along from Feline Playful to say hello and have become a follower so will be back again soon. You might also be interested in a new challenge blog here coming soon.
Jenni x